Tuesday, March 4, 2025


A Friendly Walk | Poems by Nnaemeka Oruh

A Friendly Walk

We walked today,
A solitary walk
I with my slender menthol friend
–A fatal relationship.
They looked on as usual
Criticism in their eyes
I chose this path
Fired muses are the result


Bacchus Worship

At night,
You clasp the same abomination
With both hands
A sin, long certified
By Kingdom Witnesses and doctors
As a ferryman
To the other side

Theirs were homilies
Meant to irrigate receptive grounds
Yours is a stony garden
Immune to such waters
Your soul,
A desperate revolutionary
Teasing death, daring health
A path you walk, with many others
Who embrace escape through
Temporary amnesia


If We Die Tonight

Molten larvae
Off of pent up anger
Bursting to the fore
An inferno.
Flora; fauna; property; all
Their hellfire has come
Apocalypse now

When leather sandals
Marched down on the heads
Of citizens,
Who defied rain, blood, sun
To elevate you,
Only one outlet: a volcano.

Some will defy myths
Heaven will be man-made
A juxtaposition to hell–

Then corpses.
Sacrificial lambs of a re-birth

If we fall,
Hand not death victory
Glorify him not, by wailing
We were legends, celebrate our passage
With festive drumbeats!

This land, our land
Must be redeemed tonight!

© Nnaemeka Oruh

Image: Bigstock.com

Nnaemeka Oruh
Nnaemeka Oruh
Nnaemeka Oruh majored in English, at the University of Port Harcourt, where he graduated as the best Graduating student of the 2002/2003 session. Oruh is interested in Poetry, and other forms of Creative Writing. He is an Essayist who has been published in various websites, and Newspapers in Nigeria and abroad. Oruh's basic area of focus is the travails of the Nigerian youth, and indeed the political problems of nigeria, which he believes is the root cause of all the problems in the country.


  1. I like A FRIENDLY WALK. Simple, direct, I relate with… BACCHUS WORSHIP and IF WE DIE TONIGHT remind me of how preachers’ eyes turn miraculously red the moment you ask them how the first three days were counted if the sun was created on the fourth day as our holy bible tells us.

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