Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Abigail George | A Poem

Take this shrapnel and make a rose garden out of it

I am left to search for the ingredients of love in my kitchen cupboards, in the refrigerator, in the sack of potatoes, in the peeled butternut

What to do with the lonely hour?

Make endless cups of tea

Let those rivers nourish your soul

Find relationship

Stroke dog or cat

Hug and care for the child who is not my own

Remember when I had it good

The bloom of youth inside each cheek

Listen to the song in the wildflower found in my aorta, the windmill that pumps away

I map the rural area in the palm of my hand

The lonely hour

The silence that winds itself around my heart like a cuckoo clock

The man is never to return to me

And it is time for me to say my prayers

To knit all the starlit embryos together

And before my candle goes out

I must find another

Love another

Or die a succession of deaths with psychological intent

Fall to the underworld

Breathe in dirt

I listen to sad music

Let it carry me to the moon

And I remember when I had it good

When you were in my arms

You weren’t as perfect as I thought you were

Now I must look for the other bodies in the snow

And bury them in the dirt

Give them stars for eyes

I’m alone on the beach again tonight

Writing my name in the sand for posterity

I think of Gaza and begin to cry for the children

I cry for the land from the river to the sea that is now in ruins

They’re calling it a Multi-Polar War

A genocide to rival Rwanda

I think of all the mentally ill wandering those streets

With no hope in sight

With no hope in sight

So I write this poem

Hide my vote

Cast it into the sea

And wait 

And wait

For the love I once had to return to me

I pray for Israeli poets too

What else can I do.


Poem: (c) Abigal George

Image: Foundry Co Pixabay remix

Abigail George
Abigail Georgehttps://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5174716.Abigail_George/blog
South African Abigail George is a blogger, essayist, short story writer, screenwriter, novelist, and poet. She briefly studied film in Johannesburg. She has two film projects in development and is the recipient of two grants from the National Arts Council, one from the Centre for the Book and another from ECPACC. Her publishers are Tendai Rinos Mwanaka (Zimbabwe, Mwanaka Media and Publishing or Mmap), Xavier Hennekinne (Australia/New Zealand, Gazebo Books), and Thanos Kalamidas (Finland, Ovi). Her literary representative is Morten Rand. She is a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net nominated, and European Union Poetry Prize longlisted poet. Her poem “The Accident” was Identity Theory's Editor's Choice for Spring. Ink Sweat and Tears chose her poem “When light poured into me at the swimming pool” as a September Pick of the Month, and she recently made the shortlist of the Writing Ukraine Prize 2023. She is a poet/writer who believes in the transformative, restorative and healing powers of words. Her latest book is Letter To Petya Dubarova (Australia/New Zealand, Gazebo Books). Young Galaxies (a poetry book) was released in 2023 from Mmap and a memoir When Bad Mothers Happen is forthcoming. “Clarissa, Hector and Septimus Redefined” was recently published by Novelty Fiction in Kindle format.

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