Friday, March 28, 2025


Abigail George | Inspiration

Mangaliso Buzani’s poetry inspired this


I’m figuring out


My fingers pull
The tough skins off
The frozen chicken pieces


Alan Finlay’s poetry inspired this

The door has wings
Swings open

The tree and summer have glands
That I cannot see

The whale speaks

I am ghost
Behind the closed door

The hinge is broken
The door remains ajar

The castle’s kitchen is turned upside down

You are not here anymore
I tear my heart out

The screwdriver (it needs to be fixed)
It needs to be fixed

Squirrels dance (in the backyard)
In the backyard

Wizards are in the field
Practising wizardry

Potter’s calling

The Goodyear blimp
It lands on a bump
In the green valley

The binary star
The wheel
The circle

Goes around and around
In the bluest eye
Of the sky

The spaceship lands
The alien disembarks
They like being near
The ocean

It reminds the alien
Of their interplanetary system
It reminds them
Of navigating our constellation

I miss you
Like the alien misses

Intergalactic war with us
In another time




Teamhw SbonguJesu’s poetry inspired this

This curt earth
It crumbles between my fingers

Dead to the world
Halfway there

Down the aisle
Then woken up

As if from a dream
Lightly resilient


An adverse experience
As my first blood

I am fragile

You rescued me
I saved you

Inspired by this dust
These eddies
This circle of wolves

I arrange the dry flowers
Somehow, they’re alive to me

Their memorabilia
Their ephemera

These photographs

I shield my gaze
From my outstanding

Plutarch’s Constitution

Is only a place to start


Robert Berold’s poetry halfway inspired this


You’re meat
Weathering the distance between taste, grease and hot sun


You’re science
Marking space, time and textbook knowledge


You’re the noble creative
Mastering the performance of the arts


Actor garnering praise for resisting
What matters is commandeering the metaphysical at rest


Poems: Abigail George
Image: Cdd20 via Pixabay

Abigail George
Abigail George
South African Abigail George is a blogger, essayist, short story writer, screenwriter, novelist, and poet. She briefly studied film in Johannesburg. She has two film projects in development and is the recipient of two grants from the National Arts Council, one from the Centre for the Book and another from ECPACC. Her publishers are Tendai Rinos Mwanaka (Zimbabwe, Mwanaka Media and Publishing or Mmap), Xavier Hennekinne (Australia/New Zealand, Gazebo Books), and Thanos Kalamidas (Finland, Ovi). Her literary representative is Morten Rand. She is a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net nominated, and European Union Poetry Prize longlisted poet. Her poem “The Accident” was Identity Theory's Editor's Choice for Spring. Ink Sweat and Tears chose her poem “When light poured into me at the swimming pool” as a September Pick of the Month, and she recently made the shortlist of the Writing Ukraine Prize 2023. She is a poet/writer who believes in the transformative, restorative and healing powers of words. Her latest book is Letter To Petya Dubarova (Australia/New Zealand, Gazebo Books). Young Galaxies (a poetry book) was released in 2023 from Mmap and a memoir When Bad Mothers Happen is forthcoming. “Clarissa, Hector and Septimus Redefined” was recently published by Novelty Fiction in Kindle format.

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