Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Amarachi J. Ike | Genesis


it started with a cup of coffee on the polished
wood of your dining table
it started seven minutes before it started
the high-pitched whistle of a kettle boiling water
your cups of tea and coffee
my mom laughing while yours told the story
++++++hand on lap
When we got home, he had asked who Dike was
more laughter and touching mom’s hair a hand
swatting the air red manicured fingers
she looked over crow’s feet on the corner of her eye
and saw us though I wasn’t sure she did
two girls out of canvas blue pinafores & shined shoes
it should’ve started how we remembered it
the kettle whistling and cups of coffee on polished
wood the dining table
++++++his entry
but it started before it started before you before I got here
three adults in a dining room cups of coffee woven promises

love is the umbilical cord that holds us people together
he loved her and she loved them both and she loved her
so much it hurt to watch her stay
When we got home, he had asked who Dike was
no laughter or warmth the drop of a cold hand
we stopped watching after the embrace after shivering
and tears left us splitting ourselves.

Poem: Amarachi Ike
Image: Gordon Johnson Pixabay remixed

Amarachi J. Ike
Amarachi J. Ike
Amarachi J. Ike is a writer, poet and essayist living in Enugu, Nigeria. Her literary inspirations come from everyday life and its idiosyncrasies. Every so often, she shares her thoughts on literature, society and culture on Medium. A handful of her prose, poetry and personal essays call there home too. Twitter: @amaranextdoor

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