Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ronnie Uzoigwe

Veronica Uzoigwe did a Combined Honours Degree in Communication and Language Arts and English in the University of Ibadan. Her Masters Degree in English was also from the same University. She has since worked as a Producer and Presenter for Galaxy Televisions, and has worked for various Print media houses including The Guardian, The Nigerian Tribune and The Comet Newspapers. Many of her essays, interviews and articles have been published in these Newspapers and in various publications of Ikede, the Newsletter of ANA Oyo State Chapter and the ANA Quarterly Review. She was one of the Editors of the ANA Quarterly Review (2001) and some of her short stories have been published in Ibadan Mesiogo: A Celebration of a City, Its History and People, a publication of Bookcraft Publishers, Ibadan and in the latest publication of the Drumvoices Revue: A Confluence of Literary, Cultural & Vision Arts, a publication of Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. Veronica is currently one of the five members of the Peace Committee, PENigeria. She has written a number of poems and in some, she experiments with "Spanglish".