Saturday, March 29, 2025

Segun Akinlolu

Segun Akinlolu is a performance-poet, a singer who strums along to a guitar as he chants his poetry to audiences across continents. A graduate of veterinary medicine from the University of Ibadan, Akinlolu is the author of Waiting For The Bones (1997) and Thinking Big (2000). The latter is a recommended text for high schools in Lagos, Nigeria. Also known as Beautiful Nubia, a name under which he has recorded three music albums (Seven Lifes, Voice From Heaven and Jamgbalajugbu), he has been twice nominated for the South African Kora All-Africa Music Awards. A member of The League of Canadian Poets, The Songwriters Association of Canada and the Association of Nigerian Authors, he has been featured in several anthologies, including 25 New Nigerian Poets. He is also the author of a poetry CD titled On A Cold Evening.