Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Biachi Ndidi Anointing: Prayer Against the Songs of Silence

Prayer Against the Songs of Silence

Nights when whispers are far,
when the moon wakes in prayer of light
may your voice be heard
With songs of silence
written in verses of death
may the sound of untouched drums
break the chains of emptiness you carry

May your voice pick the pieces
of broken dreams and stitch them into fire
So when the moon gets lost in the sky

You will take me away
Into night of rest and warmth
So we will fall into the lyrics of a new song
Until the nightingales will learn the songs in our whispers.


50/fifty: cases of suicide

50 shades of fear
Fifty streamlets of tears
50 un-replied messages
fifty dialed numbers
50 numbers busy
Fifty minutes of post
50 viewers
Fifty friends online
50 notes of silence
Fifty milligrams of sniper
50 seconds crawl to death
Fifty minutes later
50 lovers’ posts on Facebook
Fifty poems
50 calls
Fifty suicide cases

Poems © Biachi Ndidi Anointing
Photo by Siim Lukka on Unsplash (modified)

Biachi Ndidi Anointing
Biachi Ndidi Anointing
Biachi Ndidi Anointing is a poet and short story writer who invests her time in research on Feminism and activities that will improve the life of the girl-child in Nigeria. She is an undergraduate of English and Literary Studies in Benue State University. She has been published in Tata Review, River City Journal, ANA Review 2018, and Praxis Magazine. She is the SEVHAGE Book Club Coordinator.


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