EXPLORE... Akeem Lasisi in Germany Video Clips Conversations with History: Wole Soyinka Video Clips The Shadow Speaker – A Book Trailer Video Clips George Murevesi: I am the poem Video Clips An Evening with Chinua Achebe: Video Video Clips Dike-ogu Chukwumerije’s Tribute To Chinua Achebe Video Clips Buthelezi, Winner, South African Urban Soul Poetry Slam Video Clips Author: African Writer Magazine June 8, 2009 Less than 1 min.read Share TwitterFacebookWhatsAppLinkedinEmailPrintTelegramCopy URL African Writer MagazineAfrican Writer Magazine. Since 2004. WHAT DO YOU THINK? (Comments held for moderation) Scratch that? Comment: Please enter your comment! Name: Please enter your name here Email: You have entered an incorrect email address! Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Popular Entries Berbera al Somali: Poems by JKS Makokha Peaceful world my sincerest wish: Chinua Achebe Never Say Die: Poems by Success Akpojotor Leaving Out Details: Fiction by Felicia Taave To The Shepherd, My Lover: Poems by Prince Jacon