Friday, March 28, 2025


(CLOSED) Call For Entries: ANA Literary Prizes 2015


For Release: April 7, 2015

The Association of Nigerian Authors [ANA] hereby announces a range of prizes for its 2015 literary competitions. These are:
1. ANA Prize for Poetry (published & unpublished) – N 100,000.
2. ANA Prize for Prose Fiction (published & unpublished) – N 100,000.
3. ANA Prize for Drama (published & unpublished) – N 100,000.
4. ANA Prize for Literary Journalism – N 100,000 (Deadline: August 30, 2015).
5. ANA\NECO Teen Author Prize (prose) N 100,000.00 (published & unpublished works).
6. ANA\Mazariyya Teen Authors Prize (poetry) N 50,000.00 (published & unpublished works).

writerANA is pleased to introduce two new prizes, endowed by Mrs. Maria Ajima and Dr. Wale Okediran, respectively:
7. Maria Ajima Prize for Literary Criticism (Focus on African Literature) – N100,000
8. ANA Abubakar Gimba Prize for Fiction (short stories) – N200,000.

Nigerian writers, home and abroad, desirous of entering their works for the Annual Literary Prizes, may now do so. Works entered should have been published between March 2014 and March 2015.

1. An entry fee of N3,000 per entry, paid by the author or the publisher, in favour of:

Association of Nigerian Authors
First Bank of Nigeria Plc
[Bodija Market Branch Ibadan]
Account No. 2020543538

Please Note
[a] The entry fee is for the purpose of prize administration only.
A photocopy of the appropriate Deposit Slip MUST accompany Requirement #2 below.

2. Six copies (6) of the book or manuscript to be entered, specifying the Prize being entered for, alongside a covering letter and the photocopy of the Deposit Slip used in Requirement 1 above, should be sent by post to:

The General Secretary,
Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA),
c/o Suite 63,
National Theatre Complex,
Iganmu Lagos.

The covering letter should contain accurate contact details of the writer or/and publisher of the work, including email and surface mail addresses and telephone numbers.

Please Note
[a] The Association will NOT take responsibility for entries sent by post nor will it claim registered parcels in cases where it has to pay for such entries or parcels.
Multiple entries, where applicable, are allowed but a work must not have been entered for the same prize prior to the present entry and it must have been published between 2014 and 2015.

SPECIFIC GUIDELINES for Teen Authors Prize (published and unpublished works).
1. Entrants must be students in any secondary school in Nigeria.
2. Entries must be a collection or a single story of between 35 – 40 pages or above for prose or poetry.
3. Illustration (optional).
4. Accompanying documents are:
(i) Signed letter of identification from school principal on school letterhead.
(ii) Two passport photographs, name, and copy of birth certificate of the entrant.
(iii) Entrant’s school admission letter (photocopy).
(iv) Current cumulative record of entrant’s academic performance (junior or secondary school).
(v) Letter of consent from parents.
(vi) Entrant’s or their guardian’s email, surface mail address and phone number.
5. Unpublished entries (in four copies) should be properly bound.
6. Teen Authors are NOT required to pay an entry fee.

SPECIFIC GUIDELINES for Maria Ajima Prize for Literary Criticism (published and unpublished works)
Length: Between 25-30 pages of A4 paper size following format of academic essays.

1. Type double spaced using MS Word. Use Times New Roman Type face 12 point font size.
2. The essay, if published in a journal, book or as electronic text, must be within the valid dates indicated on this call for submissions.
3. Referencing style is either the latest MLA or APA style.
4. Five hard copies as loose sheets or as a bound monograph are to be submitted to ANA, plus a soft copy sent by email to
5. The competition will be rotated annually in areas surrounding poetry, drama, prose fiction and theory.
6. The essay should not be of generalized survey, but should rather be focused on specific texts of a few selected authors at a time.
7. The essay should state where the texts or performance analysed can be accessed or located.

In addition, all other rules pertaining to ANA competitions are applicable.

Copyright: The copyright to every winning entry is to be held by the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Maria Ajima Trust, and the author of the work. The winning entry will be published in subsequent ANA Reviews.

SPECIFIC GUIDELINES for ANA Abubakar Gimba Prize for Fiction [Short Stories].

1. Only published work are accepted.
2. Seven [7] copies of each entry are to be sent in.
3. Entries must have been published no earlier than twenty four months BEFORE the date indicated on the call for submissions.

In addition, all other rules pertaining to ANA competitions are applicable.


Deadline for the receipt of ALL entries, excepting the Prize for Literary Journalism, for the 2015 ANA Literary Prizes is Friday, May 22, 2015. A shortlist will be announced in September, 2015.

Winners of the prizes will be announced by the judges at the Awards Dinner during the 34th International Annual Convention of the Association of Nigerian Authors in October/November, 2015.

Richard Ali
Publicity Secretary [North]
Association of Nigerian Authors

IMAGE: David Turnbull

African Writer Magazine
African Writer Magazine
African Writer Magazine. Since 2004.

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