Tuesday, March 4, 2025


edwin olu bestman: storms


in this poem,
there are storms that continue to push our growing skins into emptiness.

on this earth, we are all passengers.
trying to make our bodies stay afloat like sponges.

this poem has heard God through faith.
& it also knows faith without work makes another dead body.

this poem has been crucified like Jesus
at calvary.
it holds grief but still dying for our sins.

everything in this poem is broken: words, lines, stanzas & structure.
this is how a storm makes a way through a vessel.

& in this holy poem.
the characters are many peters who almost drowned.

they are less in faith like the pharisees.
loving God in their mouths & cursing him in their hearts.

in this poem,
there are many storms: rejection, failure & disappointment.

but this poem has God on its lips.
its body has the garment of calmness touched by the woman with the issue of blood.

Poem © Edwin Olu Bestman
Image: Jeff Jacobs/James Bain/Pixabay mix

Edwin Olu Bestman
Edwin Olu Bestman
Edwin Olu Bestman, poet and engineer, writes from Monrovia, Liberia. He has co-authored several anthologies and the author of two books, Genesis and Raindrops. His works have been featured in Ducor review, WSA, Spillwords, Odd Magazine, Eboquills, Literary Yard, Poetry Nation, Ngiga Review, SIM, Nantygreens, Sipay Magazine, Afritondo, Rising Phoenix Review, AfroRep Journal, Madness Muse Press, Rigorous Magazine, Arts Lounge, Fiery Scribes and elsewhere.


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