Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Eternity: Poems by Wazani Adamu Ijarafu


Remnants of a shipwreck
Touch of heaven, of eternity
I hear the echo of a distant music.
Pieces of me unearth, searching for a home
A melody in my soul touches eternity

I’ve been walking the soul
Searching for a miracle,
For secrets that lurk in shadows.
Pieces of me unearth, searching for a home
A distant land that is home

I’ve been walking the earth
Searching for a miracle,
For histories that lurk in sacred mountains
Pieces of me unearth, searching for a home
A distant land that is home

Remnants of a shipwreck
In search of a home
In search of a miracle
Like the journey of flowers into songs,
Beckoning on lost memories.
Jesus Christ as the mender of this broken ship
Is a maker of fine songs


In darkness,
We try reaching out of darkness
We find ourselves in darkness.
The voice of God’s lightning
Pierces through the dark
With an echo of redemption
For souls lost in the desert of sin

Our hearts string for guitar songs
Into the light of Christ
Like butterflies stuck within a soul,
Proceeding like colourful songs.

A heart of songs
Sings the ocean of God’s love
Swallowing our rivers of wrong,
Taking our woody hearts
Carving it into a house for the righteous

A heart of songs
Sings the fire of God’s love
Burning down the trees of our pride,
Taking our clay hearts,
Moulding it into a house for the righteous
Poetry © Wazani Adamu Ijarafu
Image: William Bossen on Unsplash (modified)

Wazani Adamu Ijarafu
Wazani Adamu Ijarafu
Wazani Adamu Ijarafu hopes to one day buy a mountain where people would not think gold was discovered. He wants to build a folk music Island for himself and to one day own a coffee cup. By night he's a Poet, by day he's a Poet. Math is but a borrowed course, he plans to return it to the owners.

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