Friday, March 28, 2025


The Eve Manifesto: Poetry by Marvel Chukwudi Pephel




The last time I saw her,
There was tenderness in her eyes.
She was a tender verse,
A mellifluous song.

Today, she’s a bunch of hoarseness.
A cacophony of notes.
This is what the world does to our girls,
This is them losing their innocence untimely.
If only we could fix such broken songs.

Perhaps, nobody told the world
That a girl is a complex composition,
That a girl is a song not everyone
Knows how to play.


You’ve loved him so much
Your words don’t feel like yours anymore.
You have given him your all
That you are scared to leave empty;
So you cling beggarly to your selfish beneficiary.
But he doesn’t see you anymore;
You have ceased to exist.
He’s now a dictator, a tyrant.
He watches your emotional walls crumble,
But sees the utmost good in it;
You are scared to leave,
Because you have given him your all.
So you cling to a shadowy pillar
Begging for an elusive support.
He is proud for the sake of your weakness;
A weakness you brought upon yourself.
And yet, you seek another man’s arms to heal.
Woman! You are strong!
You must learn how to heal yourself;
Not in the arms of a man.
Who told you you need a man to heal?

Marvel Chukwudi Pephel
Marvel Chukwudi Pephel
Marvel Chukwudi Pephel is a prolific Nigerian writer who writes poems, short stories and other things besides. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Pyrokinection, Jellyfish Whispers, High Coupe, The Kalahari Review, The Avocet, The Naked Convos, Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine, Praxis Magazine for Arts and Literature, Academy of the Heart and Mind, I Am Not a Silent Poet, PIN Quarterly Journal, African Writer, amongst others. He was shortlisted for the 2016 Quality Poets Competition. His poetry was selected for the Best New African Poets 2016 Anthology. He is currently a two-time winner of the Creative Writing Ink Competition (Ireland). You can follow him on Twitter @Marvel_C_Pephel.

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