Friday, March 28, 2025


Exciting new addition to African Writer Magazine!


In DiaCritique, a new addition to African Writer Magazine, we publish (on a rolling basis) thought-provoking reflections by researchers who write about Afro-diasporic literature.

We are interested in your everyday thoughts as you navigate the tough but exciting terrain that is literary scholarship.

We are looking for nonfiction of any length (preferably 350-1500), in everyday prose, that addresses issues around race, (post)colonialism, language, cosmopolitics, etc.

We are also interested in your thoughts on specific African/Afro-diasporic texts and/or your experience discussing/teaching them in a classroom.

In general, we would like to publish any aspect of your work that might be of interest to the general public.

We envision this project as an archive that documents the work we do as literary critics and researchers.

Submit to: (Subject heading: DiaCritique)

Associate Editor Tolu Akinwole: Curator

Akinwole is a PhD student in English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he earned a master’s degree in African Cultural Studies. He is interested in the everyday politics and Afropolitan sensibilities of the African urban space and how these are shown in Anglophone African literature. He is co-editor of the poetry anthology, Our Legacy of Madness.

African Writer Magazine
African Writer Magazine
African Writer Magazine. Since 2004.

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