Fists of fishes (1)
Absurd clot –
Fade, fade away
Like a whale
On the mirrored
Lining of pale clouds –
There was no milk
In her breasts
So she slept
During the day
In a cell of her own
On fishes –
Her mouth
Tasted like salt
Summoned pangs
Of loneliness
I sprout wings
In a bed of moss
The next day
And fly away
Our mouths shut
Up as children
Every weight
Embalmed –
Business as usual
Beneath the surface
Bullied a flood – a knife
In my back
It kills me slowly
The flower of my heart
This red continent
Fists of fishes (2)
Of rice and confetti –
What does love mean
This scar
This country of men
Breathing in the musk
Of their skin
In the hush
Of nighttime necking
Is set in stone
A stake for company
Oh how immaculate –
But it is of little comfort
There is mother
Nourishing her babes
Like seed
With the scent
Of wood in her hair
Rust, hours
The rings of my palms
Are lined with buds of love
A gift that you refuse
The needle seduces
A mosquito bite on my arm
A lavender blot squats
Walk on
As if you have not heard
A word I’ve said
The owl worms its way
Through the air – hooting at
Nothing at all
Except the authentic
Wind – like virgin clay
It seeks warmth,
Fists of fishes (3)
Revenge in hollows
I seek revenge in a forest
In the dead of a winter
What are these
Unbalanced swarms
Upon my lips
Dadaist bees, bees
And more bees –
In patches of light
Swallowed whole
Like the heads
Of Siamese twins
The strong chin of
An American idol
What does it take
To please a man if not
How fragile that is
Remember when it rained
How the weather turned
You smiled back
In a house on fire
Gills on fire in the air
Screaming for the
Familiar trance of
Waves in seawater
I hunt
In fields of gold
Driven mad
We flash our
Teeth – bound
For hotter
Fists of fishes (4)
Coloured souls
In white skins
Islands –
Seeing the beauty
In your
As a metaphor
For the unseen
So we make
A covenant with
Death –
There is no room
For war or troops
The uneducated
Only for husband
And wife – sturdy
Infant on lap
How schizophrenic
These pictures must
Seem to you
There is black dust
In the agriculture of
Our land
Noble, gifted
Pure – feel God’s
Spirit and beauty
Everywhere –
The crown of thorns on
His head that He
Surrendered –
I have sized it up
Its poise.
My words find themselves
In a coffin – in mud they flower
Like a lotus without an ego
I educe furtive patience
Through tolerable effigies
Put elbow grease into it
Like a furrier or impala
These concessions are donors
Of instrumental organs
Like a locked junction box
Impervious, doomed empires
Room here – in the jugular
I touch your maxillae – your
Golden skull cap with my tools
Spy this mattock in hand
As I fiercely nail this tooth
To my father’s namesake for
The keys to the nascent idea
Recant this rule – engage
The physique of narcissism,
Piccaninnies, jonquils on
A slope, the sky rufous
Narcosis takes a rum flight –
The galloping sea breeze
Salt in caves of mouths
Feels like a webbed pellicle
Doing a slap-bang runner
In rush hour – here is
Slashed phyla on my plate
Pert sleepers no more
Letters loved and lost
There is only this wood left
To pounce on – revenge.
Winged sleet is only
Sufficient in memory
Hinted at in atlas –
On maps; geography
Down came the rain –
Housed with you in
Its grasped picture
You came dying – shut
Out undone in streams
In wet rivers of dreams
You glide, flocked, awed
Pressed unaccompanied
Once flung into flight
Your arrival immortal
I envy you – the
Stars in your eyes
Like dew – your tears
Are the tears of a
Hero exhausted
From blows – a barren
Silence in which
Nothing fertile grows –
Weeping pours out of your
Heart as if you were
Soulless; moulded you
Effortlessly – gave your
Self worth although
It aged you – you
Brought me to a home
Cradled me as if
I were nothing just
Waiting to be rescued
Waiting to be saved.
You –
With the dark sorrel
Hairs save me?
I’ve lost you –
And I only have
Myself to blame
Bookish now –
I’m alone and sad
This boomerang
Has kept me going
For the ladders of these
Past ten or so years
It’s been a waked boon – oh
It’s been a wild ride to get my
Ego from A to Zero
Monsters have come and
Gone – grown inside of me
With legs as strong as elk
Lazarus or a Pharisee
Gems, mother-of-pearl –
I’ve roused too late
I’ve come to the thawed
End of my bloody, damned fluke –
I wish, I wish, I wish
I could take it all back brick
By brick – but every time I hit
A wall, a monsoon, a mistake
What warrant of
Success is there that you will
Break – that you will speak
This waif wails –
But can you hear her?
The gift of her voice.
Something about the life of a writer
Words flock
Onto the page –
I am left numb
Like a wadi
Any cold, wet thing
It dissolves
Subtly – unseen
Into a host of wounds,
Deaf mutes – the gut
Of a wind
Like tiny hands
It reaches out for me
It coos straight
From the shell
Of a heart – a
Wakened state
Of dreaming –
Like an infant
It is gone, gone, done
Grown up in years –
Matured, ripened
Like the brick walls
Of a house by the sun’s
Summer heat or fruit
Even the very small ones
Their welfare is pure – and
Carry a gravid weight
Wedlocked to words –
This is something of the
Life of a writer.
The poet
Loosed – this gesture comes with
Maternal pride; ceremony across
The page, they are not strangers –
Instead they comfort: even the
Savage, alien beasts – their deaths
Are magical, a temple of delight.
All poems (c) Abigail George