Tuesday, March 4, 2025


For ‘Nita: Poetry by Medemaku Selome Lawrence

For ‘Nita

For ‘Nita
Sparkling even when to the new dawn
The light was not again known
Telling stories of home lost
And all the rest.
Re-erecting bridges that were never made extinct
But lost amidst wars of passion
         Of heart-felt songs
                  Of moaning
And all the rest.

For ‘Nita
Encouraged by an erected genital
         And engulfed
By the memories of the woman
Known and felt in one’s dreams
By tears…
Forget it!
This too won’t bring back the pleasure
         The glee
And all the rest.

For ‘Nita
Perhaps known only to a dying song
Feelings too can be cruel
Leaving a purge of emotions.
White sheets could not save the shame
         The pain
                  The groan
                           The fright
And all the rest.
This is dangerous too!
Forget it!
Lost memories should only be made known
In dreams
         In hope
                  In prayers
And all the rest.

For ‘Nita
With whom deep waters were met
Horses of heaven were rode
Mountains of furnace climbed
Traversing bridges made of sweat
         Of happiness
                  Of patience
                           Of hope
And all the rest.
But all wishes once painted in colours
Depict nothing when before the mirror
They are now made known
No sweat
         No patience
                  No hope
         No heart-felt songs
But skeleton of a once-well-fed boat
Fighting the current of a world
Highlighted in style
In fashion
         In wealth
                  In romance
         In greatness
And all the rest.

For ‘Nita
With whom images of a glorious past-
Dented and messed with farts
Released by a world of style
         Of fashion
                  Of wealth
         Of romance
And all the rest-
Were painted amidst the chaos
Remembered only in a glistering diary
That marked the beginning
And the near-end
Of a beauty not well-shared
Of a song not well-learnt
Of a dream not well-dreamt
Of wishes not well-communicated…
Forget it!
Lost memories should only be made known
In dreams
         In hope
                  In prayers
And the rest.

For ‘Nita
Whose face sparkling
Even when to the day
The light was never again known
Still brings the longing
For a desert flowing again
With nature’s spoil
And the undying fragrance of the soil.

For that ‘Nita
That was once Sine-qua-non
Poetry © Medemaku Selome Lawrence
Image: Pixabay.com remixed

Medemaku Selome Lawrence
Medemaku Selome Lawrence
Medemaku Selome Lawrence had his Bachelor of Arts degree in Foreign Languages from the University of Benin, Edo state, Nigeria. He is an indigene of Badagry, Lagos state. His writing history is dated to his primary school days. He is a very big fan of poetry and prose and has poems and novels in both English and French languages although none of his works is published yet.


  1. This is a story of love known but let loose amidst stories of a world of ‘style
    Of fashion
    Of wealth
    Of romance’
    Kudos to the poet. These are messages well carried and sent forth

  2. I have lost count of the number of time I came back here to read this. I’ve fallen in love with this style. I hope to see more of this from the poet

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