Wednesday, March 26, 2025


The Forest of Silence: Poetry by Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe


A silent calabash full of milk
Abandoned in the human forest of silk
Among pregnant female trees
Virgin flowers with honey-bees
Squinting into the even light
Welcoming the darkness of the night
The idle wind whirls by
Sounding loudly nabby
The air venerated
As the mountains prostrated
Along the thickness of the forest
I heard the dead talking at rest

The trees pounding their roots
For looks at loots
The elephants are drinking
The birds are singing
The ants playing the traditional band
The rabbit told me her man
Does she listen?
There she hastens
Fly the birds of Sankandi
Howl the dogs namby-pamby
The Baobab fights with its roots
Not all trees fight with their roots
The drought in the jungle
Gave up for the long struggle
The forest raises the dirge of silence
For the change of weather and finance

Sourcing the rivers of corruption
For an annual condom celebration
Spent for sickness of a toad
To construct us a road
The lions are angry
And the sky hungry
I told you I did
Rhymes so splendid
Dance the zebras of thought
For the fight we both fought
A divided State of Global Animals
Is better than a United State of Mammals
Let the baboons tell you my intellect
Spoken in the forest of dialect
Man causes climate change
Yet burns with range

You brown men milking our cows
We deserve your bows
Because we’re animals and weak
Dry leaves add this bushfire at steak
For man will always smoke cigarettes
And we animals: will pass a bill in our Gazettes
Stop taking poor people for fools
Because we made your swimming pools
Made your beds and furniture
Science is nature
Your African hands
And hateful minds
Can’t cease this pen
The animals made me a lion in the den
And I write till I get a chest pain
You can read me up to Spain

Poetry © Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe
Image: remixed

Modou Lamin Sowe
Modou Lamin Sowe
Modou Lamin Sowe (Modou Lamin Age-Almusaf Sowe) founded the Young Writers’ Association of the Gambia (YWAG) in 2012, and is currently the Assistant Secretary General at the Writers’ Association of The Gambia (WAG). A blogger, playwright and Scholar, he is the author of The Throne of the Ghost (drama), Spit of Misery (poetry) and The Memories of Reflection (novella).


  1. This is deep my senior man…in any case we cannot accept any more of their exploitation…not when the omnipotent blessed our ink so much so that we can put pen to paper our grievances…honestly you deserve to be called,the Gambia’s pen.!!

  2. #DhaLavalizer, #MusaJohm, #Saibou, #Ebrima, #MuhammedTambedou, #MalickMsJallow and all. Thank you for caring and supporting me wholeheartedly. The great role you have been playing in my life is immeasurable. I’m grateful for all your help and continued support. Your comments are widely acknowledged. Your level of reasoning is highly respected. I hope to continue with all the good deeds I am known for. As we move to another chapter, accept my sincerest gratitude.
    Your support is greatly appreciated. Please accept my deepest heartfelt thanks! I value your time and kind words.

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