Saturday, March 29, 2025


Georgette Uwera Nyiraneza | A Poem


My dearest K,

Our last letter of the summer —
What a wonderful season this has been.
Suddenly, I sink
into sweet sorrow
as I am reminded of…
well… words

Months of them–
Yours, mine

How they clung to the damp of my back as I
simmered in the spices of okra and banku in the June heat of Accra,
Jiggled along the spines of flames
in that bonfire, among the midnight sands of the Atlantic,

Daring me to speak them

Your arms outstretched
at the high side of the tide,
waiting to receive them

Words adorned our spirits in magnificence
Made us recognizable to ourselves —
Our depth, our beauty,
Our infinite capacity for love, courage, creation
For alchemy!
What a wonderful season.

Thank you for being.

Yours in reverence of magic always,



Poem © Georgette Uwera Nyiraneza
Image: MS Copilot remixed

Georgette Uwera Nyiraneza
Georgette Uwera Nyiraneza
Georgette Uwera Nyiraneza is an emerging writer from Rwanda with a profound appreciation for beauty. You can reach her at

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