Saturday, February 22, 2025


Good Morning, Global Village: Poetry by Wesley Macheso

Global Village

Good Morning, Global Village

I sit alone in my confined closet
The world at my fingertips,
Fingering the sensual studs that allure me
To this Black Berry;
Browsing the bloated British bulletin,
“Oh! Did you hear?
The prince of England is getting married.
Obama care is now a law.
Thousands have died off the coast of Lampedusa.”
But who gloats in that sumptuous villa
Across the quarantined street?
Another zombified recluse?

I devote the sleeping nights to reading.
I waste my recreational days alone;
Listening, watching, facebooking, tweeting,
Laughing with other global citizens on this unreal interface.
Sunsets are for walks in the woods.
The weekends are casual;
A hood for the head and some hi-fi headphones
Probably shopping at the mall.
(Riffling through the shelves for fat-free yoghurt
I bet you are cognizant of obesity)
Are those uncultured till operators discussing books?
What do they know about “being and nothingness”?

The evenings are the most private;
7 pm: “It’s BBC Focus on Africa with Akwasi Sarpong.”
But I yearn to experience the violence of Benghazi.
My soul hankers for the unreal city,
The metallic grins and sterility of London.
My civilized mind aches for belonging.
And yet when I wake up tomorrow
In my solitary confinement,
I will yawn a smile and update my status:
“Good Morning, Global Village!”
(Chang Yen and 63 others like this).


(c) Wesley Macheso

Wesley Macheso
Wesley Macheso
Wesley Macheso, PhD, is a Malawian writer. He teaches literature at the University of Malawi to survive and he writes to live. His short story “This Land is Mine” is published in Water: new short story fiction from Africa (2016) by Short Story Day Africa. He won the 2015 Peer Gynt Literary Award in Malawi for his children’s book Akuzike and the Gods (2017). Some of his poems are anthologised in Wreaths for a Wayfarer (2020). His work can be read online on African Writer, Brittle Paper, Storymoja, The Kalahari Review, and Agbowo magazines. He edits for and Twitter handle: @Wesleymax89

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