Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Hausa Love Poems: Written & translated by Ismail Bala

Hausa poems followed by their translations:


Jiya a yawon duniya
Na hadu da karamin mutum
Zan rera waka ga mai so na
Mai ajiyar karamin mutum
Dan lele zo mu yi lilo mu gangaro
Alawa ga zaki ga gardi
Sai karamin mutum

Yaushe za ka ziyarci fadata
Don nayi maka shimfidar lagwada
Ya mai so na
Sadaukar min da karamin mutum
Don na ga fararen taurari


In my voyage in yesteryears
I met the small statured one
One who loved me and for whom I sing a song
The keeper of the small one
The affectionate one come go with me
Oh you the sweet and the delicious
Oh you the small one

When shall you come see my palace?
When do you come for a grand treat?
Oh you my lover
Give me yourself the small one
Come give me ecstasy



Haruffai shida masu fararen furanni
Na yi kitso da tsagun ko wane daya

Harafi na daya: inibin raina
Sukari a shafin kirjina

Mangwaro koshi babu
Abarba gidan zaki

Idon basirana
Lafazin rayuwata

Malam bude littafi
tarbo min haruffan nan shida

Kafin na rikice


Six letters with white flowers
Each being a part of me

One is the vineyard of my soul
The second the sugar of my heart

The third an insatiable fruit
The fourth is oozing juice

The fifth is my intellect
The sixth the basis of my existence

Open your book and
Lead me to the six letters

Lest I vanish.



Sannu sannu zan bi gabobinka dai bayan dai
Amma sai nai maka barin zuma
Sannan harshe na ya bika da lasa
Tun daga sama har kasa
Ba inda zan bari face sai na cimma burina
Sai ka narke gumin jikinka
Ya kashe min kishi.


Slowly I’ll go down your limbs
After I’ve covered you in honey
My tongue shall roll over you
Up and down
Leaving out no portion of you
Till I devour your sweat
And quench my thirst.


Nonuwana sun cika sun yi nauyi
Suna begen hannayenka
Kai kadai ka iya rikesu
Tamkar kana rike da kwai
Kai ka iya murza su kamar amaro
Ka iya shan su kamar lemu
Yaya zanyi da raina?
Ai ba sauran budurci a tare da nonuwa na
Tun ranar da ka ba su ‘yanci
Basu san kowa ba sai kai.


Full and heavy my breasts
Yearn for your touch
You know best how to handle them
In a delicate way
In a firm squeeze
And juicy suckle
Oh my my
No more uninitiated they are
For you’ve set them free
Knowing no one but you.


Na bude idona
Haske kamar na walkiya ya keto
Don ganinka.

Lebe na karkarwar murna
Baki zai sha zumar bakin masoyi

Irin wannan lagwada
Ga zuma
Ga kuma madara za ta kwarara

Jiki fa ya rude
Samun natsuwa fa sai masoyi da masoyiya
Sun dulmiya a cikin gwagwarmayar kauna

Sai sun hade. . .


My eyes wide open
Full of glimmer
Just to behold you

The tremor in my lips
Grows, anticipating a kiss
From a lover, oh!

What a delicacy
How sweet
Such flowing cream

The trembling soul
Knows no peace till lovers meet
And delve in the battle of love



Poems & Translations (c) Ismail Bala

Ismail Bala
Ismail Bala
Ismail Bala is a lecturer in English at Bayero University, Kano. In addition to numerous academic papers he has published his poems in many national and international journals, anthologies and newsletters. He's working on his first collection of poems.


  1. Ismail, this is really good. some of the lines read as beautiful as Rumi’s love poems. Nice to know you are taking an interest in this.

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