Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Hayley Gibbons | Awakened


she never could quite understand

why he feared his own death

so intently;

her greatest dreads were disneyland,

rain at sea, and music

in a minor key



I still remember the day

My young son discovered that

War has rules.

I flinched at the sound of my own words

As I saw in his eyes the cheap chessboard pieces,

Waiting on their tidy squares. I clarified, but

The indignation flared for weeks in his mind,

Like some Geneva-banned gas.

My apology seemed crass


Poems © Hayley Gibbons

Image: Pexels via Pixabay

Hayley Gibbons
Hayley Gibbons
Hayley Gibbons is a wife, mom and English teacher from East London, South Africa. She loves coffee and writing poetry in her spare time. twitter/x: @versemileage

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