Friday, March 28, 2025


Joel Oyeleke | Mercy Lit Out of Darkness


‘I barely have the balls for anything, I happen
to just be a token of mercy’
– Eniola Abdoulroqeeb

When they say the world collapses –
They mean, your head is the target
Do you know that for every Adam there is an
apple that leads to the grave?
+++++++apple: temptation+++++++grave: wages of sin
In this Eden, what God sows is not what He reaps
+++++++seed: purity+++++++harvest: iniquity

Disobedience is a testament that
privilege is an opportunity to worship satan
Man, thou hast lost thy glory
Man, thou will toil the toil of sweat
Man, Eve will scream whenever you
try to escape from her womb
Man, this poem is your fall from mercy
grace shape-shifted into disgrace.

To see light, taste the horror of darkness
To reach heaven, know the route to hell
Peace we seek is closer than chaos we home,
When will you tire from schooling your
body to endure iniquity?

There is something unexplainably surreal about
divine forgiveness / sacrifice / repentance
& the peace that calms storms.
God of our peace, scepter of righteousness,
what joy have you enshrined in the
constitution of chaos?

Poem (c) Joel Oyeleke
Image: Lians Jadan on Unsplash cropped

Joel Oyeleke
Joel Oyeleke
JOEL OYELEKE studies Literature in English at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He is a poet, literary enthusiast, God addict, and curator of Poetry Village, OAU. Author of THE THEM IN ME (Direwords, 2022). Co-author of LET ME GRIEVE (Arting Arena Magazine, 2023). He has works published on IHRAF, Afrihill Press, Clean Ink Anthology (Ohio, 22), Panorama Review, Nigerian Review, Outlook India, Poemify, Synchronized Chaos, Daily Pointers, etc. Asides writing, he loves to teach, talk, play football & dream of vacation in Michigan.

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