Sunday, December 22, 2024

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How To Kiss An Open Mic: Poems by Logan February


I had words to speak
until the river took my tongue

I hid in the undertow.
I cut myself for the first time
& it felt like yellow
i.                   light
ii.           fever
iii.      bile.

I had my words to speak
hid my words to speak
(in my throat).

Riverbed runs under my skin;
my tongue runs
under my breath.

Clear your head &
never speak.
Sit & breathe at
never’s peak.

If you are silent,
at least you are not
a liar.

Drink water
never speak.



The feeling is sticky like tar –
yet an answer in itself.
Being disowned while being

In dreams, you are battery powered
& this same bed is a shipwreck.

Son is interpreted as hostage.
The ties bind and bind – even
the hands.

You cannot afford new eyes.
Brother is not comrade.
Brother is property, is I do
as I please, say nothing today.

You have never known home.

It is not a question of translation
when you mispronounce shelter as


Poems: © Logan February

Image: remixed

Logan February
Logan February
Logan February is a happy-ish Nigerian owl who likes pizza & typewriters. His work has appeared in Vagabond City, Barking Sycamores, Emboss Magazine, and so on. His book, Yellow Soul (April Gloaming Publishing) & a currently untitled chapbook (Indolent Books) are forthcoming in 2017.

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