Saturday, March 29, 2025


Monkeyana: Poems by Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu



I do not know my origin
maybe I do
but doubt how true…
and this is what I think.
Many million years ago,
a rock fell from the sky,
hit earth with a heavy thud
and set off a bang,
turning everything that never was
into some shape and form.
Somehow I became aware
of sights, and sounds, and smell.

This bang set skies above the ground
and drew ocean borderlines
then formed a fish or two.
It made butterflies so colourful
and carved landscapes so beautiful.
It iced the North
and froze the South
then left the centre warm.
It created seasons hot and cold
made coconuts, grapes, and mangoes
then sent me into the wild.

I’m hopping now from tree to tree,
banana beckons on me.
The lawn below is lush and clean
but I just love the trees.

Many million years ago
Remember the rock that fell?
Have I told you of how the bang
turned dinosaurs into birds
and monkeys into men?
Somehow the same bang set me on land
and took away my tail.
Built me a house
Tilled the land
and sew me pants and shirts.

Many million years ago
My fathers heard a bang.
I do believe they left the trees,
and chatters, swings, and bananas.
But somehow some were left behind
I swear I know not how…
For in the forest, over there, I found my relatives.
Their daddies apes
their kids monkeys…
Have I told you my name?
I am a million years old tale
of falling stars and big bang theories.
I am the offspring of that tree guy
who evolved to what you know as man.
I am Monkeyana.



only he who knows not the taste
of fresh honey curses the bee
over a single sting.
Countless times have bees stung my heart
yet my love for honey never dies;
Alabaster broken
over a heart broken,
the honey of your love like ointment
you pour over my raped innocence.
Ah… this feeling, reminiscent.
Now, daily
you light up my morning
with the sun of your cooing.
And just when satisfaction dawns
you rise like the moon at dusk
on my dark, smiles are beaming.
You are more than enough,
Because tingly
Tingly, I feel
and butterflies flood my tummy
whenever memories of your sweet loving
pop out like adverts on porn sites;
I fall again in love with you
like you do for jazz and blues
I’m sold out to you,
Onitemi, I love you!
Do you?

Poems (c) Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu

Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu
Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu
Stefn Sylvester Anyatonwu's poems won the Pengician of the Year Award in 2015, and in 2016, the Chrysolite Writers Poet of the Year Award. His publications include anthologies, self-help manuals, and the writer's guide Scriptophobia: 15 Sure Ways To Deal With Fear of Writing. Stefn is also the CEO of Prose & Poetry Hood, Inc., the literary company of everything poetry, prose, drama, art, literature. His mission is to help more aspiring young writers structure their craft and attain authorship successfully.


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