Mother moon and baby stars
Walking on the arterial stairs
In blissfully laced sanctuaries
Uphold blessed anniversaries
Mother moon and baby stars
Examining our confused scars
In war and in peace bondages
To ease our genetic bandages
Lead me away like milky cattle
And off from the bloody battle
Our words call for an ear-piece
In a world divorced from peace
Mother moon and baby stars
Call me up when sunrays rise
To see and nurse my old scars
Like my breached bags of rice
Your artfulness
Exhibits my emptiness
Culture me on early rays
Like sun rays on your trays
Your potent poetry
Exhibits my broken pottery
Conduct me into your world
To pluck the eternal literary word
Your purified plays
Exhibit my ruinous clays
Interpret my innermost dreams
To nurse my wounds with creams
Your air powers
Exhibit my downed towers
Let me elope with your wings
To reign supreme in the four winds
Inwardly I can feel the faithful warmth
Of the fortunate breaths of fresh dawn
Laying her soft forehead on my breasts
Like the potent seas lapping the beams
On the scenic lapels of celebratory skies
I commit my fledging poetic wanderings
Abreast those dreams-generated winds
For tutorials in the fair foreign facilities
Upon their soothing internal resources
My refreshing foreign affairs were born
Upon their dewy landscapes I was bred
In thick forest of thunderous cockcrows
Behold my new eloquent fountain pen
Light encompassed sailor and my tailor
The unbroken and unbendable dictator
My broad head, dental and heart ache
Mother moon and her baby stars
The obligatory targets of the dark
Hang their snow white dormitory
On the sharp lifeline in the galaxy
Granted communal terminal leave
Broken shadows for the early beef
On pilgrimage beneath a dead leaf
Ordained their heads with a heave
With contrary tunes from the altar
Where light beam has dark to alter
When the voices of harmony falter
In pure peace the city seeks shelter
The night coded in delicate dreams
Renewed herself with bold streams
Like sweet hearts filled to the brims
Cheering daybreak’s sparkly creams
Poems (c) Adeola Ikuomola
Image: Pixabay.com
To me rhyme is a poem’s sleekness
munch into meekness
it is through the seductiveness of rhymes that a poet masturbate his feelings to quench his taste of emotions. well done sire.