Saturday, February 22, 2025


Never Say Die: Poems by Success Akpojotor

Image: remixed


53, 6, 7
Three direct, two sure
5, 3 – 2, 1 – 7, 10

A siesta revelation – 31, 9, 14
Like a vertex before the
horizon: Hail Mary, full of grace
16, 17, 66

69, from a pink-lipped
yells in whisper, one banker,

a fairy from fluffy firmament
69, yes, no, maybe, sure, kiss me.

In the name of the Father, 6,
and of the Son, 9,
and of the Holy Wind. Amen.

Blood + money + hope +
fate = 6, 8, 2 – whisper

Time for jackpot – jackpotitis
stand, one, three, direct, two, sure,
permutation – jackpotitis – 1, 1, 1
On the cardiac wall, a thrombosis.

Never say die – 1, 1, 1



when you kill a seed
you bury a forest

& the god of the thicket never
peter out from your trance

& you conjecture many speculations
because you think life is math

& then you come face to face
with the insanely colossal

& all his celestial minions
which entice you back to front

& you fall face down, rheum plus
tears cascading your orifices

& you become mentally nude,
left right and centre

& you will know that God was
the first to sew a leather jacket

& the distinction is overwhelming
when God meets man

Poems © Success Akpojotor
Image: remixed

Success Akpojotor
Success Akpojotor
Success Akpojotor, born in Benin City, writes poetry, prose, and plays. A graduate of the University of Benin's Department of History and an Ambassador appointed by the Fundación César Egido Serrano, Madrid, his work has been published widely online and in print in The Nigerian Observer, Poets Reading the News, Heavy Feather Review, Tuck Magazine, and Wax Poetry and Art. He has been anthologized in Lou Lit Review: The Literary Journal at Louisburg College, Snapdragon: A Journal of Art & Healing, Best New African Poets 2017 Anthology, and Mounting the Moon: Queer Nigerian Poems.


  1. “…when you kill a seed
    you bury a forest…”

    Wow. You’re a writer to be watched. Glad I discovered this. Thanks!

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