Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Prayers of the Saints: Poems by Adeola Ikuomola

Image: music4life via Pixabay.com
Image: music4life via Pixabay.com


There in the angelic censers
The fervent prayers of the saints
Like dew drops in the silent nights
Feeblest groan from the deepest hearts
Prevail like lightning in the darkest clouds

Lifting high the royal banner
The fervent prayers of the saints
Crouching like maids in birth pangs
Against those furious foes of the Cross
Prevail like thunderclaps in the silent skies

From the committed souls
The fervent prayers of the saints
The redemptive chariots for sinful souls
The Cross melts mortal monuments away
Over the missing souls prayerfully restored

And to God’s utmost delight
The fervent prayers of the saints
The urgent needs in the heavenliest
Fewer are the faithful found fully awake
Triumphantly heeding the clarion celestial call



There is a throne like a fiery flame
The seven lamps of fire burning abroad
Lightning, thundering, voices hail whirlwinds
That is the Ancient of Days on the throne

The Ancient of Days is on the throne
The Ancient of Days is on the throne
With the books of life and death opened
Where is your name to be found?

The hairs of His head like pure wool
His garments as white as snow
There is a rainbow round the throne
That is the Ancient of days on the throne

The twenty four elders bowing down
The four living creatures do the same
All the angelic forces worship him
That is the Ancient of Days on the throne

He loved the world and gave his son
For all sinners’ total redemption,
Yet he remains the consuming fire
That is the Ancient of Days on the throne


Poems © Adeola Ikuomola
Image: music4life via Pixabay.com

Adeola Ikuomola
Adeola Ikuomola
Adeola Ikuomola is a Nigerian poet.

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