Friday, March 28, 2025


Right to Intrude: Poems by Ngozi Unigwe

Right to Intrude

I say a short request in absolute solemnity;
as by vaults are observed.
With the resting of my day,
my intensities also I resolve to lay to rest.
From me to you; from me for you
In time they have shot, with the delicacy of beanstalks
acquiring like speeds; knowing a multiple of climax.

Must it be denied that in recent times,
it likens to the crawl of a serpent
Dragging bittersweet pain as it crawls to hopes lost.

Passion bears no semblance to this.
I have known the greatest gift;
but where does mine reside
Fate, which married mine ears to the tune they lived for
Now deafens them at will.

How soon will I smile at the jest life has made so far
How soon will I make memories of now
Have I played fate and blamed her?


The Time I Spend

In towers of washed walls
rooms where spoken words
are forbidden to rise a pitch
higher than the ears of one
whom you touch can hear.

Where would I rather be
I let this be what I ponder on
with each ring of her voice
every day I see that face
Again I question the time I spend
Slaving in fields that bear your name

Dreaming my wishes
while in nuisance I lay
calling foes and friends
for this currentlybe what
i permit Myself become.

Why it remains a hunger
that those washed walls
shelter my time
most often when I see her face
losing form from contempt and
not the blades of my thoughts
which would delight
to kiss you in tens of times
their lips gleam in want all times
for you and your likes


Next Step/Our pain

(I share with you – thick ‘n’ thin)

In times as now how bleak my instincts convert
My anxiety races as into time I strain to see
Unsafe as it may, how could I be still?
I die as many times as each moment counts

The next step dares me to start
I know that entwined are our feet
Reason I await what becomes of yours
Yours is ours but for you I fear

With each day that knits my life
More pain and tears adorn intricately
Turns and events so differ from my intents
To heavens I look for rescue

Life becomes to you and I
The savor of aches and pains
But now I know tears you cannot wipe
I know pain you cannot soothe

Our tongues placed chill on time
I die your death with passing moments
I plead with heavens, that day in creation
To lose or in the least enroll as dream.

Untold is the fear in your frozen eyes
Never had my heart so grieved for you
Safety and refuge are far visions
Faceless is the next step that draws


My Pain

Bared to the pride of winters
Bones cracking at full teethed bites
In the midst of frail struggles
Survival seems a mirage
Should this be the last, or a day in life
Torn down walls and melted bastions
I stand freezing to the long age pride.

A cross for a dyad you bear
Let my back, not yours be it that breaks
It is I, familiar with pain
And you it was who lent me comfort
Now I writhe from your worry
and lose sleep for your unease
hearing no replication to my questions

I curse the passion that ruled the night
Why, upon mere beings such fell?
Humble mortals we were
Did we for more than passion request?
I can no longer feel; of all strength I am purged
What I would not offer to free
one for whom tranquility I forfeit.


Poems © Ngozi Unigwe

Ngozi Unigwe
Ngozi Unigwe
Ngozi Unigwe graduated from the English Dept. of the University of Jos, Nigeria.

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