Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Sadiya Abdulaziz Mohammed | The Path to Healing

The Path to Healing

First fall apart, like a house laid to ruin by a devastating earthquake.

Then claw your way out of the debris, as a seed springing forth from the earth’s unlit womb.

You must shatter, like the clay pots kept to collect the rain. Empty out the oceans of agony within you. Watch as your troubles seep into the earth.

Then gather your pieces, stitch them up with a golden thread. And embrace heaven’s offerings once more.


Poem © Sadiya Abdulaziz Mohammed
Image: MS Co-Pilot remixed

Sadiya Abdulaziz Mohammed
Sadiya Abdulaziz Mohammed
Sadiya Abdulaziz, a writer and voice-over artist, has been fascinated with stories from a young age. This passion drives her as a storyteller. Writing is therapeutic for her and a way to connect with different people through shared experiences. She shares her reflections on life and poetry vai a newsletter on Substack. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in Nantygreens, Spillwords, and other publications. Currently, she is a Poetry Fellow of the Sprinng Writing Fellowship.

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