Thursday, March 13, 2025


Sarafadeen Ibrahim Ayomide: Home


here, home has
a synonym: trap
& an antonym: home.


A child, is the father of
his own thoughts — a conglomeration
of silent thefts and sand exploration.
A Muslim fathers his belief —-
the reverberation of the muezzin’s throat
oozings, the purification of his soul with the
Imam’s breath, the mastery of a book/scripted
in his ‘mother’s tongue’/, his sacrilegious
voyage to the land of virtue.

A Christian brews his faithful belief from the
fruit of Christ’s salvation and smears the body
of Mary with the anointing oil. He fathers his children
to speak the heaven’s language, when thrown in
the subconscious state.

An adult fathers his heart — a talking drum resplendent
with soulful blues, /one that beats swifter than a
weaver’s shuttle/ – a red pouch that harbors a myriad
of dark, wailing, rickety shadows – of his father’s
face bereft of sockets, and of his child’s unbuilt dreams.
Poetry © Sarafadeen Ibrahim Ayomide
Image by Adina Voicu from Pixabay

Sarafadeen Ibrahim Ayomide
Sarafadeen Ibrahim Ayomide
Ibrahim is an Ibadan born poet who writes from the ancient city. He is a science laboratory technologist by profession, with interest in medical laboratory science. He explores different times with his writing. His work has been published by Snakeskin Poetry journal and is forthcoming on several journals.


  1. This is very beautiful. The aptness/shortness of the first poem is enthralling — the compression of a lot of words in a few words is creative! Just three lines and a lot is there. The second poem is very beautiful too. It says a lot. Kudos, Sarafadeen.

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