I’ll submit my pains in ships
To sail back into time
To the one who owns blue canopy
I’ll mail my tears on kites
Through Seven Skies above the Seven Seas
To the omnipresent one
See, the oceans have turned red
The land sprouts black plants
Watered by the blood of men
Feasted alive by the seizure of breath
Then I saw corpses crying in death
I swear by the Owner of Ants
Humanity has lost its face
Blood against blood
Dancing in black seas
Raining reds
The organ in my chest keeps pounding hard
Translated by streams that leaked through my lens,
by the one who owns the heart of the dead
Terror sees no sun
Where peace is not the balm
To this sorrowful fate
When they ask you what Love is, tell them this:
It’s cruel like the monster in beasts
Succulent like Melon that is sweet
It’s a way scouting path to life
Scented nectar, pulp of life
It’s the sigh relieving us
The sneeze revealing us
It’s the whispering hiss of venomous vipers
Grace of an ardent sprinter
It’s the sand dunes adorning deserts
The melodic tunes sweeping through us
It’s the gorge holding waters of sweet memories
The drown in painful grief
It’s dawn that brings dew on meadows
Sundown, a fiery glow of light
It’s horizon, a realm of hope
Prison, hearts confined in ardor
It’s the war of hurricanes and tornadoes
Peace given in full dose
It’s the river cleansing worries away
Mud daubed on faces
It’s life and it’s death
Love lives after life is dead
It’s the seal stamped upon our hearts
Vision right in the blur
It’s the thing that lets you drift in blissful trance
The pen that inked this poem
Poems © Maryam Gatawa
Image: Pixabay.com
Good !!!!
good one , well scribbed