Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Striptease: Poems by Tubal Rabbi Cain


Eternal beauty of nature reigns
As weaverbirds swirl in green cornfields
warm breezes reel ethereal signs

In naturalness of freedom mirth
elephants, falcons, gold fish play
laid bare right from birth

Creatures on land, sea and air,
elegance in bare bottoms herald
desire as stripped beasts flair

Only man has something to hide
concealed in apparels always
with covert intrigues to ride

But sober at death like a limpet on limbs
those treasures of eternal feigning emerge
laid bare for all to glimpse.


Loveless Passion

She left the village,
To fall out of love
She was in love,
And found out late,
That love was mean,
And love was cruel
As it was sweet,
She went to town
Where there is no love,
To forget intimacy,
And fall out of love.

He left the village,
To fall out of love
He was in love
And found out late
That love could hurt
And love was demanding
As it was exciting,
He went to town
Where there is no love,
To drown lingering memories
And fall out of love.

They met in town,
Where there is no love,
And shared in turn,
A resolve,
To bury the past,
And commence a new life
Free of the malady,
Of love
He told her love was cruel
She told him love was wicked
He told her love was mean
She told him love was violent.
Joined by grief,
Old memories of passion,
And hurt of the past,
Chained with a resolve,
To fight together,
Within the town,
The malady
Of love

They became inseparable
And found comfort
But vowed, against a replay
Of allowing the malady
Of love, earlier felt
As they did
To thrive,
Within the town
Where there is no love
As they dwelled,
Struggling with emotions
From love to love,



A false move,
Blind ambition of leaders
As innocents perish
A truth playing on minds of the folks
Like an accordion mounted on bolts
As winds deafen the screams
And distance shields sight of blood
Revolt tugging at broken hearts flood
Where fear erodes courage
But the creator’s help is here
Always available when days are forlorn
To help, save, secure, build seams
A comfort that surpasses dreams.


Image: Pixabay.com

Tubal Rabbi Cain
Tubal Rabbi Cain
Profile coming soon. His website.


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