Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Taiwo Akinyemi | The First Night

The First Night

The first night she gave,
& you took, she cleaned up the reds
with her hijab.

After, you sat up all night
watching her sleep, moving from
side to side like the tongue
of a church bell calling…

& her body, a temple afire,
ever burning, her erected orbs
minarets calling…

You stayed up all night,
wondering at the paradox of worshiping
a God you know in a strange sanctuary.


The Way She Writes

she writes like lightning and she reads in the dark
she writes like hands rubbed together to give warmth to the cold
and like cold to the warmth of the cruel

she writes like a kiss to the heart
and she writes like falling asleep in the safest arm
she writes like this is all we have and this is who we are
she writes like i belong here
and she writes like you are all i’ve got

she writes like i’m waiting for you somewhere and you might find me if you’re fast enough
she writes like you know me more than anybody else and you know it

& oh yes i know! because i know the way she writes


The Girl named after a smile

at the parting of ways
the girl named after a smile
watched me with her back

my steepled fingers indecisive
calls a prayer and swallow a plea
have i come for a name?

is this the part where i stay?


Poems © Taiwo Akinyemi
Image: MS Co-Pilot AI remixed

Taiwo Akinyemi
Taiwo Akinyemi
Taiwo Akinyemi is a Nigerian poet and short-story writer. His poems have appeared in publications such as Isele Magazine, Praxis Magazine, Kalahari Review, Odd Magazine, Okadabooks, and elsewhere. He tweets on Twitter as @taikinyemi

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