Wednesday, March 26, 2025


The Foxhole

It was May, 2010. I received a text message inviting me to a poetry reading at 11, Maryland Crescent, Maryland, on May Day. I had ignored an earlier invite from the same source, to the same venue. So this time around, I gave an excuse saying via text message, that as a comrade, I wanted to spend that day with fellow comrades. The reply came, full of understanding, yet wanting to know when I would have the time to drop by. All this while, I was wondering at who it was, that wanted my miserable company!

Then another text invite came. And the name tingled my ears. Omo Uwaifo! I remembered the name then, but I could not fix a face to it. This is the two-time victim of NLNG Literature Award fiasco. I remembered that I bought his short-listed entry, Fattening House, about five years ago, and that I had not read it. I felt challenged. I sent him a reply saying that I would be with him in a week’s time, and pronto, I began to devour Fattening House which turned out to be quite an interesting read. I did not want to appear before him, without an idea of his creative oeuvres.

Come d-day, I convinced an Avionics Engineer-turned musician friend of mine who had stopped reading, Ocheme Aba, to accompany me. He grudgingly obliged, and later thanked me for taking him along. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves listening to the Octogenarian Omo Uwaifo read his poetry to us. He also autographed his other non-creative works and the second NLNG short-listed literary work, Litany, for both of us. He is so resonant and passionate that there can be no dull moment with him. Full of ideas and dreams, with more and more stories to tell, it was during my subsequent visits with him that he mooted the idea of The Foxhole.

I straight away keyed into his vision, having been desirous of a place on the mainland, where writers and lovers of literary arts could gather to do their thing, other than the National Theatre or the Island. We dreamt and shared the vision with other writers like Jumoke Verissimmo, Maxim Uzoatu, Akeem Lasisi. They all agreed that it is a laudable fantasy. The next time I heard from the old man, author of Just Before the Golden Jubilee, he was asking me to “come and see The Foxhole”.

Today, The Foxhole which has already been graced by literary greats such as J.P. Clark Bekeredemo, Odia Ofeimun; renowned writers Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo, Toni Kan and the recent author of the ant eaters, Kufre Ekanem, is a pleasant reality. Omo Uwaifo, a late and worthy entrant into the Nigerian literary geography, unlike many accomplished, even institutionalized writers, is giving back to society, by providing a serene and conducive garden where publishers, booksellers, authors and book lovers can transact all forms of book business. And this venue is virtually gratis.

This exclusive facility would be supervised by a five-man Coordinating Committee which would receive and process applications for the use of the venue. The committee would ensure that House Rules, Terms and Conditions are strictly adhered to, to preserve the delicate nature of the environment. Members of the committee are Sam Towe, Jumoke Verissimo (Secretary), Maxim Uzoatu, Molara Wood and Austyn Njoku. The Foxhole is now open to the public, from the gates through the Lyrical Way, thanks to Omo Uwaifo.

Austyn Njoku
Austyn Njoku
Austyn Njoku studied French Language and Literature at the University of Port Harcourt. A poet and short story writer, Njoku's poems have been published in recent anthologies like Passport to the New World (edited by Sunny Ayewanu in collaboration with The Nigerian Commission for UNESCO) and the International Library of Poetry anthologies. More of his poems have been published in Nigerian national newspapers and magazines and put to Baroque music in THE SOUND OF POETRY. His first collection, I've Been A Crew, got an Honourable Mention in the Cadbury Association of Nigeria Authors (ANA) Poetry Competition. Scents of Dawn is his second. The former Treasurer of ANA, Lagos chapter, is sadly now deceased.

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