Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Who Am I? Poems by Baba Olutunde Olufemi

A Voice I Am Going To Send

From the deep root of my being,

in the spirit of my creator.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Through the doorway of time

opened to human experiences.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Like thunder speaking greatly

from behind the heavily thick clouds.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Like the cloud that sends its rain

and the wild bulls that shake the plain.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Like the wind that ramble the trees,

and the roar of the stormy seas.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Like the birds that renew their notes,

and through the air their music floats.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

Until it has gone from pole to pole,

and has transferred from soul to soul.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

in a lyrical song that will inspire lovers

in vastness to nourish others

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

To be heard from the dumb to the wise

those free and those still colonized.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…

To break their chains to set them free

so that they will hear my God’s voice through me.

A voice I am going to send…

A voice I am going to send…




African Dancer

Jin-go-jin-lo-ba  Jin-go-jin-lo-ba

Jin-go-jin-lo-ba  Jin-go-jin-lo-ba

Ba-ba-jin-ba-ba   Jin-go-jin-lo-ba

She dances possessed

by the voice of the drums

her every move is synchronized

jungle rhythms pulsate inside her eyes

she can’t escape the passion

of her own will to be free to explore

down lineal stratums to ancestral core.

She dances to heal her wounds

to forget her grief and suffering

that drum has giving her confidence

to continue moving/swaying

in trance, submitting and obeying

the source of her freedom and mirth

that comforted her since her birth.

She’s a dancer from the womb

from the land of palm and sand

that gave birth to the first hue man.

She was nurtured in the tropic sun

captured by an eternal noon

dancing to the spirit of the udu drum.

She moves me deeply

I am drawn to her, her satin face

the colorful beads around her waist

the conversation of her hips

the sweetness of her fruitful lips

the movement of her fingertips in the air

the flowing locks of her hair.

So I will answer her communal call

lose myself in her warm caress

and help her to put all her stress to rest.


Who Am I?

Excuse me, beautiful

But did I hear you call my name

Who am I you ask…?

I am that rare image your mind portrays

And your soul seeks.

I am that brotha that you often wish for

To keep you protected from harm

When your body needs a pair of strong arms

To keep it warm and held tight

I am the essence of your prayers at night

I am that icon that many love to hate

Fore it is the spirit of the absolute that I eradicate.

Take my hand and you will see

Together how we can enjoy the serenity

That life has to offer to the both of us.

I am he who offers you his living trust,

his consciousness, his promise of love to you

and all the wonderful things a warrior is willing to do.

I am the joy of silent spirits from a distant land

Who has put the power of love in the palms of my hands

To save you from the wolves and vultures

Of artificial realities and twisted cultures.

Who am I you ask…?

I am the dreamer of things that you can not touch

And the executor of unearthly things as such

I am a concept beyond your imagination

And what your heart prays for.

I am he who wears the shining sun on his head

I am the one you feared was forever dead.

I am alive and have heard you calling out to me,

the reflection of things seen by few

I am the man who was designed for you.

I was created by the Gods to be a protector\savior\lover

Ask me again, and I will tell you I am that brotha

Standing in your presence at your request

Who will rescue you from the wails of stress,

Who will stand up against evil and stare it in the face.

Ask me again, and I will tell you I am from a space

That holds a touch as powerful as the stars

That will forever remind you of the Queen you truly are.


An Ode For Love

My days are spent composing a sonata

in celebration of your haloed presence.

From sunrise to sunrise

your beauty places its bare feet

across the ocean line of my thoughts

leaving footprints across my awaiting heart.

I am filled with lullabies of joy

as your glory harbors echoes of pristine grace

like a cup overflowing with organic wine.

The window to my soul has opened

to be entertained with your serenade.

I am like a little boy wrapped inside his mother’s arms

melting as butter would under great heat.

It seems like ages I’ve been waiting for you to touch me

move your spirit through me, and speak to my heart

for my ears have been profaned by mundane whispering

that seem to turn my days into eulogies.

But at last, I have been blessed by the Gods

with lyrics that would even shame Shakespeare’s Odes

fore I witness the rainbows carrying your lovely hues

as I tread softly through life with you on my mind

treading gingerly for the violets are blooming

like the breath that gave life to man in genesis.

I sing O love\O love\ O love

lay on me your sacred eyes, be my mangrove of mangoes

kiss me so that I will always cherish your sweet spices.

Let us conjure a spell to forever be free as the wind

to express our love in each other’s company

so when you are not around to cheer me up

I will always be able to reach out to you with my flute.


(c) Baba Olutunde Olufemi

Baba Olutunde Olufemi
Baba Olutunde Olufemi
Baba Olutunde Olufemi studied radio, film and television communications at Temple University in Philadelphia. He is the 8th generation of a Griot traditional family. He now lives in Atlanta and is a member of the Black Storytellers of Atlanta. He is committed to keeping the family tradition alive through songs, poems, folktales and fables. He is the Author of a collection of Oral poetry, Folktales and Fables entitled A Griot's Compositions being released in the spring of 2008.


  1. I enjoyed reading your work. My brother you have a fine way with words. I love the way you create your imagery. Great stuff here

  2. Simply put… A lyrical dance, the essence of things to come…a hue not yet identified. I stumbled upon “who am I” by accident… But my find was deliberate. Beautiful.

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